Adventure Medical Kits (AMK) leads the industry in providing intuitively designed, activity specific medical kits, designed with supplies to meet the needs of particular groups sizes and trip duration ... the primary goal of every Adventure Medical Kit is always the same: BE SAFE.
AMK reply on the expertise of world authorities in Wilderness, Emergency and Travel Medicine to develop and refine their products year after year. In addition, AMK consults with industry professionals and activity specific experts in determining the contents of their medical kits … this then takes into consideration the most common types of ailments and injuries experienced in specific outdoor activities.
So whether you are trekking in Nepal, thru-hiking the Overland Track, paddling the Nymboida River, climbing in the Grampians, backcountry skiing in Koscuiszko or just hitting the trails with your canine best friend …there is an Adventure Medical Kit perfect for every adventure!